Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Now is the time I must face the fact that I have an enormous amount of things to move.

If you are also facing this dilemma, come back to this post after you've finished rocking back and forth in a padded room. I'll wait.

First, I suggest, mark off or list all the must haves. The hand carved dollhouse your father made you, your baby pictures. These are the things you would be upset if they were lost. Irreplaceable.

Second, what are the things you would like to keep, but wouldn't be bugged if you couldn't? Yeah, that end table is gorgeous, but in the end, will it matter? THESE are the things that you can replace. See how much you really want it and go check the price at your new location. $200 Ikea bed, used for a few years. Sell it, save the shipping and buy a brand new one.

Also, consider the insane amount of fail built into lots of buildings. If you're moving into a five story building with no elevator, you will rethink the idea of having a glass front cabinet lugged up there. If you are moving in with someone, check for duplicates! Check for measurements! Check for storage space and replacement values!


  1. Okay, just realised that you don't have my email, nor do I have yours. I'm guessing you haven't put it up due to privacy reasons! Mail me at and I'll reply to that with my note. If you can do this, I'd be so eternally grateful!

    Plus your blog is very interesting! Love the tips! Except, I wanna move TO LA one day! Hahaha! Hope things are going well!

  2. Move out here, you can take my bedroom! It's not big, but plenty of room for all the needed things - i.e. bed and computer.

    I replied to your email, let me know if it didn't go through :)
