Thursday, July 22, 2010

I guess I should post about something unrelated to moving, as the most awesome thing happened the other day. Also, if I have to make one more Ebay listing, my head might spiral off and hit an innocent bystander.

I went to the fantastic Thrilling Adventure Hour at the Largo on La Cienega (near Beverly Center). I laughed so hard I had to try to re-do my makeup a time or three. If you can make it there, GO! You will giggle and laugh so much that you won't even remember your problems.

The lovely (seriously - so gorgeous and so talented!) Paget Brewster was kind enough to take time to say hello and peek at sketches my fiance did of her. Paget, you made my day, week, are awesomely cool.

It had to be said. So I said it.


  1. Oh my gosh! That is so cool! That you were there also!!! Where did you meet her? In the courtyard or backstage? Cause I met her backstage and a bunch of other people were there also, was wondering if you were one of them!

  2. Courtyard, after the show.

    It's hilarious, I almost went up to you to say your outfit was beautiful and didn't get a chance to.

  3. Haha seriously? That's cool!! She is so freaking sweet! I still cannot get over it!

    And thanks for the compliment about my outfit! It's an Indian dress called a kurta. :) Hope your moving is coming along nicely!
