Saturday, August 14, 2010

Check the expiration date. On everything.

Not that I was shamefully counting change out when my credit card was declined, or anything. (It was flagged for 'strange' use and the call didn't come by the time I was out!)

Sit down with a glass of lemonade, and call each and every company you interact with. Before you move. Way before. Ask to add another address, change the main address, check phone numbers, etc. If you can, add a backup address/number so that if you are unavailable, someone you trust can verify things.

Even if you're not moving soon, MAKE A LIST! Which things need to be updated? Credit cards, debit cards, pensions, that aunt who sends you a card every Christmas?...

Even if you take care of ONE single call each a million years, you will be done. I think. It's a start, anyway.

Good weekend, everyone, I'm off eat some cereal as my midnight snack and watch TV.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Oh, beautiful weekend, why have you left so soon? I am not looking forward to moving a bookcase I've sold. Or figuring out where to put the books before they're packed. Or finding my shoes in my mess of a semi-packed room.

Another great show Saturday at The Thrilling Adventure Hour. Despite the fact my hair looked horrible with the humidity (oh, salon down the street from me, you're lucky I haven't come back to scream at you), I got to say hello to two of my favorite actors, Paget Brewster and Matthew Gray Gubler. Matthew even gave me a sticker for his website, it is gorgeous. And Paget wrote an sweet note to my fiance. I am absolutely squeeful!

A magical night, definitely. Cannot wait to go back next month, I definitely suggest you should go if you can get there! I've never seen an audience so thrilled and laughing so often, nor a cast and crew so talented.

Now, off to hike up to the grocery store, unless I want to eat a kiwi and tomato salad for breakfast.